Collaboration within REVOLUTION
In the frame of LC-GV-06-2020 (Advanced light materials and their production processes for automotive applications), 5 projects had been funded (REVOLUTION, LEVIS, FLAMINGO, FATIGUE4LIGHT and ALMA). The cross-collaboration between these projects is vital for the future of the Automotive industry. Do you want to know more about our ‘sister’ projects?

Sister Projects

Lightweight materials are required to drive the electric car market in the coming years. The reason is simple: it takes less energy to accelerate a lighter object than a heavier one. In this context, the EU-funded LEVIS project will develop multi-material structural parts using thermoplastic-based carbon fibre reinforced plastics/metal hybrid materials integrated with a structural health monitoring system. The aim is to achieve a significant weight reduction while keeping the mechanical in-service performance of the targeted parts. As such, new sustainable materials and suitable manufacturing and assembly procedures as well as advanced simulation methodologies/workflows and innovative sensing/monitoring technologies will be developed.

Aluminium composite materials are an industrial solution with multiple applications. As a result, the industrial manufacturing sector is in constant search for ways to improve their production. Among others, the battery-electric vehicle (BEV) technology is a significant factor for the intensification of their use. To address these challenges, the EU-funded FLAMINGo project will propose a novel metallurgical and forming combined approach for making automotive parts. FLAMINGo will focus on manufacturing strengthened aluminium (Al) metal matrix composites with elevated properties compared to current Al alloys used in automotive. By substituting steel components in BEV automotive parts, the project also aims to achieve a substantial weight reduction.

The EU-funded Fatigue4Light project plans to investigate lightweight solutions adapted to the chassis part of electric vehicles that will render them up to 30 % lighter and safer. The project will introduce new materials with high fatigue performance such as advanced high-strength steels, aluminium alloys and hybrid fibre-reinforced composites; moreover, it will develop new models for predicting fatigue performance and design new methodologies for reducing material testing time. Attention will also be given to how cutting and welding processes could positively affect the overall fatigue performance of chassis components. Ultimately, six lab-scale and industrial demonstrators will be developed to validate the proposed solutions.

The EU-funded ALMA project will develop a novel battery electric vehicle (BEV) structure for a passenger car with 45 % weight reduction potential. The project will adopt circular economy principles through the application of eco-design strategies to create a novel recyclable and affordable BEV platform. Specifically, the project will design a multi-material modular platform made by combining advanced high-strength steels, advanced sheet moulding compound and steel hybrid materials, characterised with multiscale model-based tools. The platform will be recyclable since it will be possible to separate components at the end-of-life for repair and reuse.